Wednesday, April 19, 2006

So the saga continues

Well let's see I never heard from the rhinos at all. Then this morning when the boys called to wish him a happy birthday Kenny got done and said let me go get mom (I was in the bathroom) and Mr rhino said I do not need to talk to her I worked late and need to go to sleep and that was it! WHAT A JERK!!!!

So in turn I sent this email to Mrs Rhino:

am starting to feel like I am getting blown off. If you guys cannot get me anything please just tell me and let me know when you can. I did not hear from anyone yesterday and Bill told the boys this morning he did not need to talk to me that he had to go back to sleep. I hate getting ticked off about this but I am starting too. I am only getting upset because I cannot Bill to answer my calls and talk to me, I understand money is tight there but it is here too. We are still battling back from Todd not working for two months and I have the added expense of the boys food, school field trips, special things they are doing at school which is like 3 bucks here and 5 bucks there. I had thought Bill was going to help with the after care so I did not budget that in and I have not paid my electric because I had to rob from there to pay the school and now have to debate what will be the next bill to push off as I have to have them in after care. I will not leave them alone that long after school and I cannot miss time from work to get home at 4 to be with them. I would just really appreciate one of you letting me know what is going on and not avoid me.

Well NOTHING from her so I followed up with an email to him:

Are you just avoiding me over the child care money? I am really feeling that way. Neither of you have responded to emails and I have tried to call you and you have not called me back. If you do not have the money right now just let me know, do not avoid me. I just want you to remember that I am the one paying for the roof over their heads, the food in their bellies and anything else they need right now and just need some help paying for the child care. I gave you no hard time taking them this past weekend even though we had plans to go to Payson for easter and Roger's birthday. Todd's parents were so bummed out but I figured you had not seen them in awhile so I gave you no trouble about it. I feel like I am footing the bill, with no help and then i miss out on the fun things like Easter morning and their excitement over the Easter bunny coming. I am really not happy with the fact that I m getting blown off.

I will continue to pay peter to pay paul(the child care) because I have to, but by now with both of working haven't you caught yourself up enough to be able to help me with the boys? I keep hearing from you guys how you have to get this and that for the new baby, well please remember the mother of your other two needs some help with them.

All I need to know is when I can expect some help, just keep the dialogue open, do not shut me out.

I am really getting pissed. Geesh if you do not have the money JUST TELL ME!!!! They are such asses.

I will continue to fill you in on the Saga of the Diva's Missing Money......


Dakini said...

Man I'm sorry to here about all of this. I hope you get it all worked out soon. I also hope that you are all able to remain friends.

Mrs. H said...

Yeah, I already gave you my thoughts on this.

MOVIEMAN said...

Forget what I said before. Rhinos are mean creatures and should be put down as soon as they look at their caller i.d.

"Any man can father a baby, but it takes a real man to be father."
Lawerence Fishbourne