Well i did a big post for my forum I belong to and sure it is tacky but I will copy and paste here about having to say good bye :-(
Well yesterday I was still a little emotional and did not feel much like posting. First off, thank you to everyone for all your support. Tuesday was a very hard day. We got up and took Kenny to school, then I signed Will out of school :-( that was weird. I then took him to get his haircut (mothers we always have to have them looking spiffy before a trip right?) Then we went back and got Kenny after his test, went home got Will's stuff and then I took them to Wendy's for lunch. I also took some pictures of the boys which I will attach at the bottom of this. Anyways we met my mom at her house at about 1:00 and she drove us to Tampa which is about a 2 hour drive. They were so wonderful at the airline, they let my mom, Kenny and Lex come with me to the gate so I would not be alone :-) We were early so we went to the Chili's there for a late lunch/early dinner. I really could not eat.
Well then we go to the gate, Will looks at me with tears in his eyes and says "It just seems all so sudden" I know he wanted to go but he was torn. My mom and I kept reminding him that while there was sadness here, there was great happiness and joy awaiting him at the airport in Phoenix. I kept telling him how much I love him and want him to be successful! I also reminded him of my song to him Rascall Flatts "My Wish" and told him to think of the lyrics and how that is everything i want to say. He was nervous about flying all by himself but was strong. Well here is where it got sucky. We say good bye and I watch him go down the ramp and turn. I lose it and burst into tears, I ran to the restroom for some paper towels and when I come back I see him coming back up the ramp. They closed the ramp due to lightening in the area OH MY GOSH his flight was 1 1/2 hours late leaving and I had to say goodbye AGAIN! Talk about heart wrenching, one good bye was tough enough but 2!!!
Well we waited until his plane pulled away and I could no longer see it. I cried off and on the whole way home. Kenny got tears and his eyes and I asked him if he was ok, he said "Mom I hate seeing you cry" that is when I knew I had to pull myself together. Will got to Phoenix just fine and they called me as soon as he got off the plane. I know his dad and Jenn were blown away by how tall he had gotten. The good thing is they are at War so it is a nice transition for Will. I talked to him yesterday and today. He was having a great time today as his Grandma Hopie was there and well she is just a kick in the pants LOL anyways. I love you guys. Happy Valentine's Day too!!!