Thursday, July 28, 2005

This is so cool!

This was dead on for me.

I thought you guys would like to try this out.

I came across this great page which predicts your future love life with the help of a set of advanced mathematical calculations based on the concept of human psychology. It is extremely accurate as long as you have answered the set of 15 questions honestly and seriously. This award winning website was developed by a group of renowned psychologists. Even if you're still skeptical, just go ahead and try it for yourself, after all, you have nothing to lose!

Click on the link below, and remember, be honest!

Ok so I lied

I actually met him on a website that Rob told me about because it is totally free. Sorry I just don't want to carry around the "internet dating" stigma. Lord knows I am not meeting people any other way. Well sure it does not help I only go out to gay bars with my roommate LOL but still. Anyways I talked with him again last night after work and we will be getting together tonight. Like I said I believe he could be all he says he is but I am very cautious. At least I have seen his place, so I know he has nice things and no girl living there, I have his work number and have called him there, so I know he really does for a living what he says, I have seen the pictures of him from when he did pro baseball (the farm leagues for the expos and pirates) and his pictures from 5 years of pro golf (so I know he is not bullshitting me on that)

Sorry I did not tell you the "whole" story, I knew I eventually would. I love you and just was not in the mood to get a lot of shit.

The Princess

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I hate this dating thing

I feel like throwing up, why do I even do this? I just wish I could read minds and know for sure what someone is thinking, feeling etc. So this guy seems really great, we talk and email everyday, whenever he leaves me messages it is always hey gorgeous or hey beautiful hope you are having a good day blah blah really nice person. But I get a leery feeling, like is he also pursuing 10 other people right now? I actually asked him what he was looking for when he joined the site, I asked if he wanted this to be a friendship, f*** buddies or to see if there is more. he told me since we do not know each other well enough yet he cannot say but that he thinks I am a great person and he wants to see what happens, but that he is the type to only be with one person at a time. For some reason I have a feeling he also talking to others which I would be cool with if I only knew. LOL I am actually really cool about that stuff just let me know. I talk to other guys the only difference is they have all been losers lol. Sometimes I wish I could hook up with a guy I knew well and did not have to go through all this beginning of the dating experience questions in my head, but chances are if I knew them well i would not date them or they are married, got a girlfriend lol or are like a brother to me. Oh well such is life just had to vent.

i think i am just going to give up on dating. If the right guy comes along and just sweeps me off my feet that will be cool, but I am done looking!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The next date

Well Sunday night I saw him again. This time I went and hung out at his place. Nice place and nice furniture. I had a nice time with him again. He is cute and makes me laugh and is very nice to me. I just hate this whole dating thing I really do. I do not know enough to know if he is genuine in all he says, to be able to really read his body movemements, all guys are nice at first. Will this one stay nice or be a big trolloping jerk? Oh well I will just enjoy it for now and ride this out.

I guess one good thing is he does email or call each day, so that is nice. I know he is busy ALOT with his job so it is nice for him to take that time. Oh well we will see, I am still keeping my eyes and options open though!


Saturday, July 23, 2005

Ok the date update

First of all I was not a trollop LOL I did not post yesterday as I was not feeling real well. Any ways we only went out for a little while. He had been at the vet all day with his puppy who had an allergic reaction to something and then had a reaction to the medicine the vet gave him.

So we went to Starbucks and talked, he is very nice, alot like me actually. I am 4 days older then him lol. We have been talking alot since Thursday and I will be seeing him again tomorrow night. He is cute, sweet and funny. I think you will like him if I decide to make him pass the friend test. Ha Ha

Oh well I need to go vaccuum and I have laundry to do. I love ya!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Date Nite

Yes I have a date tonight, we shall see how it goes and I will post for everyone (ok all 2 of you who read my crap lol)

Mrs_H I was talking to Ginger yesterday is it ok if we still do joint birthday party for Kenny and Connor in September? We were thinking since Con's birthday is 9/10 and Kenny's is 9/24 we would do it right smack in the middle on 9/17 (that is a weekend you have Taylor also I believe) Let us know. Oh and joking around I told her I could piss you off by inviting Steve and Trina and their kids DO NOT WORRY I REALLY WILL NOT DO THAT TO YOU!!! I like them but respect you and your house so I will not bring over anyone you do not like. At least if Ginger brings Jerry and you are not talking to him he will not talk to you, where as Steve and Trina will keep talking to you even if you try to ignore them.

Hey Uncle Movie man you are invited too and I hope you are there!!!!

Love ya guys

The Princess

Friday, July 15, 2005

It is Final!!!

As of 3:09pm yesterday July 14th I am officially divorced. I feel a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Thanks guys for your support I love ya!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Tomorrow is the day

Yup divorce court at 1:15pm. I am filled with all kinds of emotions, relief, excitement, some sadness as I never wanted to be a divorce statistic (who does) and actually some fear. I am really doing this and moving on with my life. That part I feel very good about. I am sick of relying on others, I feel as though I am finally coming into myself at the age of 32 almost 33. I hope i have done well for my children, as kids of divorced parents I know it can be hard for them i am grateful that why yes every once in awhile Bill and I would like to pull each others hair out (or do that stomach thing Mrs_H has lol) we do get along and both of us are very concerned for the well being of our children. He is a good dad, he loves them and that i know is a blessing. Those two boys are the best thing that has ever happened to me, when I see them smile at me and say "I love you mom" I just feels so good inside. Kenny told me that he wants to marry me lol, I told him I am sorry honey but we cannot, he said fine I want a wife just like you and we will live with you forever and take care of you forever. Unbelieveable the feeling when that is said.

Anyways I will let you all know how it goes tomorrow. then comes the fun part of changing my name back to my maiden name. I love you all!

Monday, July 11, 2005

Another weekend over...

I cannot believe we are heading into mid July, where does the time go. I had a pretty good relaxing weekend, not the rush rush of the past few. I did have to go take a stupid 4 hour parenting skills class that is required for my divorce. It was great to know I was doing things right by my kids but man was it boring and I was so tired as I had gone to karaoke at a gay bar Friday night. Oh yes I was in my hey day and had a great time!

Mom made it through the hurricane just fine, where she lives just got a ton of rain. I miss her more and more everyday. My roommate and I are silly and put our pics on, right now he is beating me with a rating of 9.5 and I am a 9.1 lol we are dorks. I certainly would not rate myself a 9, more like a high 7 or an 8. Weird how we look at ourselves different then others do. I am though at a very content point in my life where I am happy with who I am and I like being single. I used to think if I did not have a man in my life something was wrong with me or I was somehow less then, now I realize I am fine just being alone. It feels good to rely on just me to make me happy.

Oh well I am just blabbering now and need to get ready for work. Have a great day my friends.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Thanks for the quizzes Phillip

You scored as Idealist. Idealism centers around the belief that we are moving towards something greater. An odd mix of evolutionist and spiritualist, you see the divine within ourselves, waiting to emerge over time. Many religious traditions express how the divine spirit lost its identity, thus creating our world of turmoil, but in time it will find itself and all things will again become one.





Cultural Creative












What is Your World View? (updated)
created with

Ok so what kind of killer am I?


You kill with

You are very skilled with magic, but have poor
fighting skills. But it doesn't really matter
anyway since it can be as powerful as other
weapons. You are probably missunderstood by
people and have some pain inside you. You are
not the kind of person to start a fight, but if
you are provocted you respond. You probably
don't have that many friends either though you
might want some. According to you life is a
lonely journey and you try not to care to much.
Most people who are witches or anything similar
is thought to be evil and want to see all
people suffer. That however is not true. You
don't feel that much joy seeing others in pain.
You are probably peaceful and quiet when left

Main weapon: Potions and spells
Quote: "A man can be destroyed but
not defeated" -Ernest Hemingway
Facial expression: Blank eyes

What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]
brought to you by

Friday, July 01, 2005

What a cool day

Yesterday was an awesome day for me. Everymorning at work we all meet for a few minutes before the phone lines are open to go over what each other is up to. Well yesterday my boss said, "Can I take 5 minutes to rave about you?" I said sure, so he goes on to say "You have exceeded our expectations here Stephanie, you are doing such an awesome job. We are not going to do a 90 day review in August, effective tomorrow you are making $14.00 an hour!" I was making $12.50 so that is a buck fifty raise an hour! I have not even been there 2 months yet. It was so awesome, I was so happy.

Also on another note my mom's house closed, she is telling Randy to kiss off today and she moves in to her new place and starts her own business this weekend. I am so proud of her!

Have a great day my friends.