Tuesday, September 06, 2005

In a state of bliss

Well my friends things are still going great with Todd. We went camping Saturday and had just the best time, he makes me laugh, feel special and he treats me like a Princess. It such a nice feeling. Anyways Sunday morning we packed up and went and spent the day and the night at his parent's house. They were great people, we had a really nice time. I am taking Thursday and Friday off this week and he is going to come down tomorrow night and stay until Sunday. he has an interview tomorrow so I am keeping my fingers crossed. Hard to believe I met a nice guy and what is even more hard to believe is that he is a nice guy I actually lik him! I seem to usually be attracted to some real assholes. oh well hope you guys are ok. I miss ya and love ya and will see you on the 17th!

The Diva Princess


Mrs. H said...

Your still a trollup, but good luck w/ those steuben vases. :)
Glad you are so happy - finally!

MOVIEMAN said...

Once again it is good to hear that things are going so well. I am happy for you.