Thursday, March 02, 2006

So Much Going On

Well yesterday Todd’s dad went to get the feeding tube put in and they were going to put a pic line into his neck to administer chemo. Well the tumor has gotten bigger, about the size of a golf ball so they were not able to put the line into his throat that had to go in through his stomach also and up into his throat that way. What should have been an hour and half procedure turned into a 5 hour operation. He is not doing well at all. For some STUPID reason they are not starting his chemo until the 7th. He will go in for 2 ½ hours one day a week, have a machine at home he needs to hook up to 4 hours a day and do radiation treatment 5 days a week. We are starting to fear the worst as this tumor is growing at an unbelievable rate.

Your prayers and thoughts are very much appreciated. I love this man so much, he has been so wonderful to me and my children since Todd and I started dating and I hate seeing him in so much pain and feeling so sick. He looked very ashy and grey over the weekend.

So what else is going on? Hmmm let me see…I have not had a period since January 30th, I am testing negative so it may just be stress. If I some how am pregnant (yes we have been using condoms) I would only be about 3 weeks, as we know when we did and did not have sex in February. I am thinking it is just stress and will not take a test again until sometime next week if I have not started.

My mom is coming for a visit! WOO HOO!!! She is flying out June 8th to surprise Will for his birthday on June 9th. I am going to need to get a hold of a refrigerator box, see my mom every year on the boys’ birthday sends them a “Nana Box” full of gifts. This year I want to cut the back of the refrigerator box out so my mom can stand in it and I can tell Will to come outside and see how big his Nana box is this year. Then have him open the back and there will be Nana! We have not seen her since July 2004, so I am so friggin excited. We will do a birthday party for Will on Saturday the 10th. So keep that date marked, yes Mrs H you will get to meet my mom this time, plus she really wants to see Rylee “The baby that came when I was there”.

Oh well there is my update and will post more when I know more. I love you all!!!


Dakini said...

Thanks for the updates on everything.

I wish I actually knew some real live medicine men who could collect herbs and ingredients for healing medicine.

Matty and I knew a good man who developed a tumor in his brain and our Western doctors said that he had to have surgery and treatments etc to remove it, but that he also had a 50 percent chance to live from this. Well it turns out this man Bob Roberts knew medicine men from all over the world. Long story about how he knew them...I'll tell you about that sometime, because I think you'll appreciate the story, but, these medicine men prayed for him and the tumor disapeared. Western doctors could not explain it at all. Of course they didn't have to. The power of prayer can do much! Please don't lose HOPE!

If you are with a little one CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

JUne 8th...awesome! I love your idea! Have a good time with your mom!

MOVIEMAN said...

I'm sorry to hear about Todd's dad. My prayers and thoughts are with him.

I think that would be good if you are pregnant, but only if you are ready for a baby.

Sounds like a great idea with the refrigerator box. Maybe ask Rob if he can get you one at work.

Take care. I love you. It was nice seeing you at the party.

Mrs. H said...

Ok, I was a slug and stayed home i should be back in bed, but I wanted to comment. If this mom of yours really exists, I will be happy to finally meet her.

I hope that the tumor shrinks w/ the treatment and that Tod's Dad recovers from this.

I love you and thanks again for all your help at the party.

We still have almost a week left at Ballys, but when do you want to start Curves?