Thursday, October 05, 2006

Funny Stolen From Email from Mrs H

I was "I ran over my brother because I am cool" Doug here at work was "I choked on your mom cause that's how I roll" LMAO!!!! I do not even need to know the shirt color to see the humor in Daves (Nov 28th) or my ex Bill's (04/19) LMAO

You all have to try is hilarious.and couldn't we all use a laugh that doesn't cost anything???? This is funny - type out the sentence you end up with in the subject line and forward to your friends....and also, send it back to the person that sent it to you. Pick the month you were born:>
January--I kicked>
February--I loved>
March--I smoked >
April--I dry humped>
May--I choked on>
June--I murdered>
July--I did the Macarena with>
August--I had lunch with>
September--I danced with>
October--I sang to>
November--I yelled at >
December--I ran over>>
Pick the day (number) you were born on:
>1-------a birdbath>
2-------a monster>
3-------a phone>
4-------a fork>
5-------a Mexican>
6-------a gangster >
7-------my cell phone>
8-------my dog>
9-------my best friends' boyfriend>
10-------my neighbor>
11-------my science teacher>
12-------a banana>
13-------a fireman>
14-------a stuffed animal >
15-------a goat>
16-------a pickle>
17-------your mom>
18-------a spoon>
20-------a baseball bat>
21-------a ninja>
22-------Chuck Norris>
23-------a noodle >
24-------a squirrel>
25-------a football player>
26-------my sister>
27-------my brother>
28-------an ipod>
29-------a permanent marker>
30-------a llama>
31-------A homeless guy >>
>Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:
>White----------because I'm cool like that>
Black-----------because that's how I roll.>
Pink------------because I'm NOT a homosexual.>
Red------------because the voices told me to. >
Blue-----------because I'm sexy and I do what I want>
Green---------because I hate myself.>
Purple---------because I'm cool.>
Gray----------because I was drunk>
Yellow--------because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars >
Orange -------because I hate my family.>
Brown--------because I was high.>
Other-------because I'm a ninja.>
None--------because I cant control myself>>
Now type out the sentence you made in the subject line and forward to >your friends. And don't forget to send it back to the person that sent it >to you


Mrs. H said...

That is funny!

MOVIEMAN said...

I had lunch with my sister because that's how I roll.

You're silly.