Monday, May 19, 2008

This and That

Not too much new to report on us. Same old same old LOL I am sad Kenny leaves on Saturday May 31st for the summer :-( I am so going to miss him. He is such a great kid, honor roll again this quarter, keeping his room picked up and is such a HUGE help with the baby. I honestly have so much fun when I am with him.

Todd is doing well, work keeps cross training him in Worker's Comp, so that is cool. I am still very in love with him, so that is good huh? LOL I am ok, I have a stupid Bartholin's Cyst that is not responding to anti-biotics as quickly as I hoped, so I may end up having to have an outpatient surgery to remove the gland! EEECCCKKKKSSSS!!!

Will seems to be doing good in AZ. He went Friday on the 5th grade field trip to a museaum in New Mexico! he had a good time. I miss that kid so much. Gosh I love him and cannot wait to hug him. Here is a picture of him from Friday morning:

Lex is getting so big! He is rolling all over the place, trying to crawl, has become very vocal and is just a blast! He looks so much like a combo of his daddy and his brothers. He LOVES his daddy like you would not believe, totally lights up when Todd comes in the room or he hears his voice on the phone. Here are some more pics of him:

Silly giggle Lex


Mrs. H said...

5th grade and they went to New Mexico? How awesome!!!

Lex is adorable!

Did you get a new couch?

MOVIEMAN said...

I am so happy for you guys. That does sound awesome for a field trip. So cute. I can't wait to see him.

Love you guys.