Monday, November 14, 2005

So Sick of the Drama

I am so fucking sick of the dramam in my complex. I never had trouble there until about 1 & 1/2 months ago, that is when everything started changing. So I was just ready to drop all the crap and bitching about my neighbor and still will, but it is hard when you have another neighbor calling bitching at me because my son opens his big mouth and spews out a bunch of bullshit. Yup got a nasty call cause my downstairs neighbor from Mississippi was outside with her kids yesterday when Will ent out side and her youngest son said "Hey Will can you play?" well William responds "NO I cannot play with you, my mommy does not like you" I never said that crap, her kids are great kids, actually call me Miss Stephanie and say yes m'am and no m'am. Will comes up with all kinds of drama in his head sometimes and it makes life hard for me. He spins things all the time, if he does not dio a chore right suddenly it is because some kid at school said something mean to him making his whole day awful. Whatever, I am so done. I am making Will after school go down with me to clear this up. I just cannot wait for my lease to be done, Todd and I are going to rent a house then. Life will be so much easier without the complex drama. Then she also told me she thinks it is wrong that I will not let my kids play in the other neighbor from Oklahoma's house. WTF??? the bitch talks bad about me and on top of it all her husband smokes dope in there, she is always stressed caused of her 3 kids, sure let me make that better by allowing my kids in there. Whatever. I am just so annoyed!!!!

On another note, Todd moved in yesterday. We have a full house of stuff now which is nice. He has been very good to me, I am very happy with him!



Mrs. H said...

Good job Will. :) That is funny though. Hope it all gets cleared up thought just so you can have some peace til you move anyway.

MOVIEMAN said...

"Would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for you damn kids." Hakuna matata. Everything will work out fine.

Dakini said...

No one has the right to tell you you should let your kids play in someone elses house. I mean I know you know that, but jesus that pisses me off.

I had a talk about this with Matty's mom. I mean about our girls not going into other peoples houses etc. She was appauled that people actually expected me to let my little girls in their homes to play. I mean in Matty's mom's opinion, they are too little first off all to not be supervised by us. Which I agree with.

My parents didn't let me go play in other kids houses til I was at least 9 or 10. At least that way I could tell them what was going on if something happened.

I think I'm going off on a tangent.

I dunno where I was going other than they are your kids. Yours, if you don't want them in someones house that is your call.