Thursday, February 16, 2006


Well let's see first Todd's dad's biopsy came back, definately cancer the good news is it has not spread. They can do either radiation & chemo or what they hope they can do as long as his insurance approves is a reconstruction where they remove the esophegeous and rebulid it with his own body's tissue. Once I know more I will let you all know.

Then yesterday I had let my friend Monica borrow my car for a few days and yesterday when she was getting out of the car at the gas station some chick hit the door with her car, thank God Monica had not put her leg out yet. the girl freaked yelling at Monica that she cannot call the cops or the girl and her boyfriend would be arrested, got in her car and took off. My boss and his son got the door shut again for me but we will need to get a new car door.

I am hoping to go out to the war Saturday for the day and night. Not sure if it will work out but we will see. i love you all!!!


Mrs. H said...

Good news about Todds Dad, not so good about the car. Already wrote you an email about war. Talk to you later - Love you!

MOVIEMAN said...

Good to hear about Todd's dad. Fucking bitch should have been kicked in the teeth for hitting your car door. Yes one of the guys I work with got his leg trapped between the car and car door once, and he was in bad pain.

Love you. I mean it I LOVE YOU! Don't tell Todd. OOPPSS I wonder if he reads this? Maybe I shouldn't have wrote that. That either. Oh well.

Dakini said...

Dang a new door. Sorry. :(

About the cancer, I'm glad to hear that it has not spread, I mean I'm not glad to hear that it is there at all, but you know what I mean. I will keep praying.