Friday, April 28, 2006


Wow blown off, cooked for nothing, kicked to the curb!By a geek, I have never had that happen before! I could understand if I had turned down geeks all my life, it woiuld have been payback. But I went with the biggest geek in my class to homecoming freshman year just so he could have a date, I went with my geek friend Joe to his prom cause his girlfriend dumped him 2 weeks before the prom AND I am going to be marrying one of the biggest geeks I know, my Baron!So what did I do to deserve this treatment? Crap maybe if I had slept with a few of those geeks other then the Baron this would not have happened!

Ok seriously, Movieman overslept cause he had beers with his dad! I am just kidding I am totally fine with it and so understand. The Baron and I have both worked graveyard shifts before and know how it goes. I will not be mad or offended unless he blows me off again! My neighbors from Oklahoma loved the fried okra by the way, sorry you missed it. Oh and the Baron, you landlord and Mr H will be enjoying chicken fried steak, fried potatoes and onions/ w country gravy and cake for lunch today. So you can ask them how it was lol

I still love you Phillip seriously you are still my good graces. Let me know what night you want to shoot for next week and we can work it out. I am thinking next week will be spaghetti, meatballs, garlic bread and salad though. That was way too much grease for me LOL I am so glad I clean as I cook, I could not imagine the disaster that would have been left.

We are headed up to Payson after work tonight so I will catch up with all of you Sunday or Monday. Have a great weekend!


Dakini said...

I like to clean while I cook too. If I don't, I get grumpy with the mess afterward.

Sorry about your dinner plans, but it's cool that your so nice and I woulda been bitchy! :P

Have a nice time in Payson. Gosh I miss Payson, I used to go there when I was in highschool and stay at a friends cabin. It was really beautiful.

MOVIEMAN said...

I remember those times too. It is good that you are not super pissed at me.

I'm thinking of Thursday again. I WILL SHOW UP! Yes, first Rob says, "that lunch we had was really good." I said, "I bet it was." As saliva dropped out of my mouth and hit the floor. Then later Kris says, "Dave and them ate your food for lunch." Dave says, "It was good." I then proceeded to kick myself in the ass. Spaghetti sounds fine. I'm sure that you are like, it damn well better be fine. Thanks again for all the trouble. The biggest sore thing is that I missed the ocra. I do love the fried ocra. I'm sure that I'll talk to you soon.

Love ya.

Mrs. H said...

Whaaa, I like fried okra, whaaa! Guess you should have shown up dipwad! :) They sell fried okra at Church's, go there asshat!

MOVIEMAN said...

You are so mean. Why are we even friends? Good day to you.

I said good day!