Monday, May 01, 2006

Just Catching Up!

Hey guys. Well we had a nice weekend in Payson. Todd’s dad is horribly thin and tired but looked a lot better then the last time we were there. He had color in his face and was a smart ass, all good to see! Now that it is May I was thinking Memorial Day is coming up and since we all have a 3 day weekend we should all go camping or something. Let me know what you think. If we went up north somewhere not far from Payson, Todd and I could get his dad’s truck and trailer and bring the quads out. Let me know I think it would be fun.

What is everyone doing this weekend? If everyone does not have plans maybe we can BBQ and swim or I can cook up some yummy food including the damn okra everyone has been bitching about LOL I would love to get us all together again, I have so much fun with my friends J

Speaking of plans I rescheduled the happy hour party I won at Fox and Hound for Sunday May 21st from 3pm – 5pm. I do need to know how many people we will have so let me know if ya can make it or not. Mrs H if you want you can invite Kristy also, and her man if she is still seeing him.

I love you all!!!


Mrs. H said...

I will ask Christy, they are doing great actually she's already gotten diamond earrings after only 2 months. An iPod too, although it was from her son, the man paid for it.

I will check w/ the Mr about this weekend.

MOVIEMAN said...

I'm off on Friday, if anyone cares. I'm not sure about Saturday or Sunday. I will see what I can do. Okra would be cool. Who else is bitching about it?

Love you and I'll talk to you soon.

Dakini said...

I'm glad to hear about Todd's dad...left a comment about camping over at todd and Stephs place :P

Gotta run
