I am so sad, one of my kitties that Monica has been watching since I got busted at the apartments with them died. It was actually Will's kitty and he has been asking about her alot, he wanted to take her back to Show Low. So I have to tell him I think I will wait until next week when he is here with me.
Anyways I know it is not a mom, dad, friend, ect but I loved that kitty since she was 7 weeks old and I adopted her from the pound. She meant the world to my son and was so loving and sweet. It sounds like someone poisoned her based on what I have been told. She does go outside sometimes so it would make sense. Monica is heartbroken and felt so bad having to tell me. I just wish I could have come up with damn pet deposit so I could have kept her at my place as she would still be alive probably. Oh well. I know it is just a pet deal with it, right? I can hear Mrs H it was just a stupid cat anyways. Oh well I loved that stupid kitty and always will~
Thanks for listening.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
My Kitty Died!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 1:32 PM 3 comments
Monday, December 04, 2006
Updates Updates Updates
First off all my love and condolences to my wonderful friend Phillip. I am so sorry about the loss of your mom. I am so happy you are back here where you belong and I still cannot wait to give you a hug!
Here is my post about our trip to Florida, I also have so much to post about but cannot do it right now. I thought I had posted this before but realized I had not so here it is:
Our trip to Florida:
Well it started off by Mr. H dropping us off at the airport at about 8:00 on Tuesday night. Our flight left Phoenix bound for Las Vegas a little after 10. We got to Vegas and our connecting flight was running late so we got some Starbucks and blew 20 bucks on the slots. We got on our flight and headed to Florida about 11:30pm Nevada time. It was a long flight, we were in the row in front of the emergency exits so our seats did not recline YUCKY!!!! So I could not sleep, Todd did get a little.
We landed a little late and FL and when I went out to meet my sister in law I was surprised with my brother being there also. We then left for the 1 and ½ hour ride to mom’s watching the Family Guy on my brother’s DVD player. Got to mom’s and we sat around had some coffee and breakfast, then mom gave my brother and I each $1000.00 for Christmas, I almost fell over!!!! She also gave me a beautiful pair of earrings for my birthday that are gold, with blue sapphire and diamond crosses and inside is engraved “God bless and protect my precious daughter” I love them and wear them all the tine! That night my mom’s best friend Gisela came over for a couple of days. She is the best! We ordered in baked chicken Parmesan and it was awesome! Jeff and Chrystal were over for dinner and afterwards we all played a game called Catch Phrase OMG we had so much fun!
Thursday was Thanksgiving and man did my mom cook a yummy meal! Jeff and Chrystal came over for dinner, as did Chrystal’s Aunt Angela. We had a really nice dinner, and then we kicked back for the night, watched moves and had a really nice day.
Friday we slept in a little then we went and saw my Uncle Mark’s new place, it is beautiful! It had been storm damaged from a hurricane, so he got a great deal on it and is refurbishing the whole thing. Afterwards we went over to Punta Gorda (about 20 minutes away) and went to a place called fisherman’s Village. It has all kinds of neat shops and a restaurant on the water that we ate lunch at. The Gisela left to go back to Boca Raton. We went shopping with my mom, got all our left over’s together and went to my brother’s for dinner and to play Fact or Crap (a fun trivia game) and also to play Scattegories. After we sat around his fire pit and made smores. It was a blast!
Saturday we went out on my brother’s boat, stopped at a beach by Sarasota, then came back down the intercoastal and docked at a cute little restaurant, had lunch and headed back in to Venice (where we left earlier) we were out on the boat about 4 or 5 hours. That night we went mini golfing and to cosmic bowling! What a busy but fun day!
Sunday we went to lunch before my mom took us to the airport, flew home, got in about 8 PM then had to drive to Payson to meet Bill and get Kenny since they did not bring him down like they said they would URRRGGGHH oh well so we got home about Midnight.
We had a great time and cannot wait to move there. Oh well if you want to see pics of the trip just go to:
http://new.photos.yahoo.com/irish_angel72/albums and click on the album that says Florida!
Love you all!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 9:53 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Check out the card Kenny had waiting for me this morning. The cat on the front's shirt says "I was born cute" that is supposed to represent Kenny.
The inside if you cannot make it out says:
"Mom your the best of the best. If you ask why? I have listed three meanings of how good you are"
1. You feed me everyday
2. You love me so I love you back
3. You make me happy when skies ar gray (spelled the way he did it)
I love you!!!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 9:09 AM 3 comments
Making it Official
yes we are moving to Florida and it looks like we will paln on leaving the first weekend in March. It is a big move and I am a little scared but so excited too! I already talked to Bill and he supports the move, which was very important to me as he is the kids dad. I did not tell him Will wants to go, we will cross that bridge at the end of the school year as William will finish 4th grade where he is at. I am going to tell my dad and step-mom when I go up there tonight. I am taking off tomorrow to go see the musical that Will has the lead in. I am not sure how they will take it. I told Doug and while he will miss me he is happy for me. I will tell his dad when we get back from Thanksgiving vacation.
We were pre-qualified for a home loan and will start looking while we are in FL next week. So many things to do. We will be moving the wedding to FL, which means some people may not be able to come, but most of my family will be able to now, so that is cool.
Anyways that is what is going on here. We are so looking forward to our trip to Florida for Thanksgiving with my mom! I am excited Todd gets to meet my brother and sister-in-law,so it should be fun.
Love you all!!!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 8:17 AM 3 comments
Thursday, November 09, 2006
I just wanted to wish the most wonderful friends I could ask for a happy and wonderful anniversary! It's been a crazy ride all these years, but here you two are. I am so happy for both of you and love you both very much!
Welcome home tonight also Mrs H! I missed you tons!
The Diva Princess
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 6:55 AM 2 comments
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Stolen from Brig's LJ
What American accent do you have? Your Result: Boston You definitely have a Boston accent, even if you think you don't. Of course, that doesn't mean you are from the Boston area, you may also be from New Hampshire or Maine. | |
The West | |
The Midland | |
North Central | |
The Northeast | |
The South | |
Philadelphia | |
The Inland North | |
What American accent do you have? Take More Quizzes |
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 8:42 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
This is messed up!
Wow a lot has happened this week. Where I do I start the story? Todd’s dad had always said that when he passes the motorcycle we had down here would become Todd’s. Well in the interest of not giving things away yet last Sunday his mom asked if we could bring the motorcycle up this weekend. Todd told her we would take care of it. Well we tried to call his mom Monday, her sister answered and said she was laying down and she would have her call us. No call. We tried again Tuesday, same thing happened but his aunt wanted to make sure we were bringing the bike up cause they have a potential buyer! We were like what? So anyways Wednesday his niece calls me wanting our address, she said the church wanted to send something so I gave it to her. Well last night imagine our surprise when I answer Todd’s phone and there is a guy on it saying he is with a towing company and is here to pick up the bike. THEY NEVER EVEN CALLED US TO TELL US HE WAS COMING! I am sure she called to the address for the towing company. Todd was devastated, he already had said now that dad is gone he would be the black sheep again and they since his mom is so impressionable and never wants conflict with her sisters or daughter she goes along with what they say. They had already been talking about her selling everything and moving back to Portland, which is probably what will happen. Todd is more upset about not being called or anything then the bike being gone. Like he said he has the necklace that his dad gave him the last time we saw him and the St Christopher pendant he was wearing when he died. He does not want anything else. He feels he has not only lost his dad, but his mother and family too. I felt so bad for him. At this point he is just done with his entire family. He said that if he never talks with them again he would be fine with that and that he is grieving the loss of a family not just a dad. He said he is so glad to have me, the boys and my family to call his.
So that is what is going on here. We are just going to go on living our life, planning our future and have him check out Florida while we are there because now the thought of moving after the wedding and being near my family, one that loves each other and treats each other with respect is very appealing to him.
On a lighter not I passed my test for my Life Insurance Producer License yesterday! Woo Hoo! I did not think I would pass as I had just taken the class the day before Roger died and I did not really get to study right after it. But I retained enough to pass!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 9:24 AM 3 comments
Monday, October 16, 2006
Going to Miss a Great Man
Hi everyone, this is being posted to a blog and 2 message boards so pardon me if you do not recognize some things. As you all know Tuesday we got a call from Todd’s dad that he was given two months to live. Well at 4:15 that afternoon I got a call from Todd, his mom called and told us his dad collapsed and was being taken to the hospital and to get our asses up to Payson NOW. So we went up, pretty much expecting to spend some time with him and probably come back the next day, like the last time he went to the hospital. Well when we got there he was on a ventilator and his stats were really bad, his blood pressure was like 43/25. They gave him medicine to try and pick up the vitals and make him comfortable and said we could discuss options in the morning. So Todd and I decided to stay at the hospital and send his mom home with her sister to get some sleep. They moved Roger to ICU and we were with him there for about 2 hours before they gave him some Verced so he could sleep and rest. Well I went out to make a phone call, not a minute after leaving Todd called telling me to call his mom and get in there his dad was fading fast, when I walked in the room (not even two minutes after I had left) Todd looked at me and said “He is gone” we just sat there. It was awful, Todd went outside to meet his mom and aunt, and I stayed there with Roger and just lost it. I loved that man so much, he was a wonderful person, treated me like gold and I was just so blessed to have known him. We had Kenny all this time; he was watching TV lying on the floor in the waiting room. He behaved so well, he asked to come say bye to Grandpa after he passed, and we let him. I feel it is important if a child is mature enough to handle it to not tell them no and have them never have that closure. Of course we had planned on being there only a night so we had very little clothes and with all the family coming in we ended up staying at a hotel, had to buy some more clothes for Kenny and Todd (I being a woman did have a couple of outfits) but I did have to buy something to wear to the memorial service yesterday. Can we say hello overdraft city? Urrgghhh oh well nothing I can do about it now. My ex husband and his wife were very nice, they brought Will down to us Friday from Show Low so that he could be there for the services. Will loved Grandpa Roger, they had a very tight bond and it was very important for him to be able to say goodbye. Actually when we met with the Pastor on Saturday to talk about Roger and his life we all shared great memories and at the end Will said “I just want to say he was the greatest man I ever knew” It was very emotional. I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers that have been passed on. In lieu of flowers we did ask for donations be made to the American Cancer Society, in the name of Roger E Boynton, just to let everyone know in case they feel they would like to. The service was beautiful, but now Todd, Kenny and I are home and are ready to grieve together and move on. It was very hard to do with so much craziness and family and all that up there. Last night after the service our best friends Kris and Dave took us out to dinner, it was very nice. Then my ex husband and his wife came to pick up Will and take him back to Show Low. Oh well I have a ton to do here at work. Thank you again everyone, your caring thoughts and prayers mean a lot.
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 8:40 AM 3 comments
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Funny Stolen From Email from Mrs H
I was "I ran over my brother because I am cool" Doug here at work was "I choked on your mom cause that's how I roll" LMAO!!!! I do not even need to know the shirt color to see the humor in Daves (Nov 28th) or my ex Bill's (04/19) LMAO
You all have to try this..it is hilarious.and couldn't we all use a laugh that doesn't cost anything???? This is funny - type out the sentence you end up with in the subject line and forward to your friends....and also, send it back to the person that sent it to you. Pick the month you were born:>
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 3:55 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Update on things going on
Hey everyone,
Well I have had quite a past few days. We went camping at Bartlett Lake for little Kenny’s 8th birthday and it was a great time. Yesterday I was sitting here at work just doing my thing when the door to the office opened and I almost fell over! It was my ex husband, his wife, their new son and my Will! I was so excited I had not seen my son in almost 2 months and did not plan on seeing him until Thursday night. It was such a wonderful surprise. Will had the day off school and they had stuff to do in the valley that they cannot in Show Low, like Costsco, Fry’s electronics etc. So on a whim they came down. I did not tell Kenny when I got home, I just told him I was taking him on a “date” to Long John Silver’s, his face when we walked in and he saw all of them was great! He had not met his baby brother Shay yet, so that was really cool. Bill’s mom came to dinner and it was great seeing her also.
I had some bad news yesterday, too. Todd’s dad had a small mass removed about 2 weeks ago from where his feeding tube had been, it is cancer. They also determined he has a cancerous tumor in his groin and on the back of his head. He has been waiting over a week now for the insurance company to approve a CAT scan so we can find out how much it has spread, but I do not think it is good if the cancer that started in his esophagus is now causing a mass in his abdominal area and tumors in his groin and on the back of his head. I just burst into tears, I love that man so much and it is a very difficult time. Todd’s mom had major surgery on her foot a week ago and cannot walk or anything. We are spending this weekend in Forest Lakes (between Payson and Heber) with my boss and his wife, my boss’s son (who I work with also) and his family. We were planning on going up Friday and getting William from dad and taking him with us. But in light of all this we decided to take Thursday off also. We will drive up early Thursday morning to Payson and spend the day there, then go get Will ( we will meet in Heber) come back and spend the night with Todd’s parents. The cabin my boss got for us for the weekend does not allow check in until 3:00pm so we will have most of the day Friday with them also.
Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers if you can. I would certainly appreciate it. Tomorrow is Todd’s birthday, so we will celebrate that also. Tonight we have Todd’s catechism class and then tomorrow night is Kenny’s. They needed someone to teach the 5th grade class so I will be doing that J I volunteered and Todd is my teacher’s aide so it should be fun! Love to all and will post again when I can! Oh and I have a ton of new pictures from birthday parties, camping, miscellaneous sill pictures etc on my yahoo photos which can be found at http://photos.yahoo.com/irish_angel72
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 8:47 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Phillip's Party Pictures
Well the one time camera I used this time sucked! Here are two pics and the rest can be found at http://photos.yahoo.com/irish_angel72
Love you all! hernia surgery tomorrow so I will be out of th loop for a few days!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 10:03 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 18, 2006
Roller Coaster of Emotions
Wow so much has gone on the past 24-48 hours that have caused so many emotions in me it is not even funny. First off Bill and Jenn welcomed their new baby Shay into the world at 3:00am on August 17th. He weighed 6.2 ounces and was 19 & ½ inches long. His blood sugar was low so he was on an IV but other then that he was healthy. I guess he started going into distress at the end of the labor (I heard this from my step-mom nobody else tells me anything). So anyways my emotional thing started on Wednesday night, I called Bill’s to talk to Will like 5 times no answer, called my dad and step-mom as that is where Will goes after school, no answer. I finally called my little sister to see if she knew where my dad was and she said “Oh they left me a message they were going to Bill’s with Will to get Will’s clothes cause Jenn is in labor at the hospital” Ok something seems wrong to me that my little sister knew where my kid was and I have not a clue. But I got over it. Then to hear my step-mom talk about going to see “their” grandbaby yesterday really had me a little wigged out. I think it is weird they are closer to Bill then to me it seems. Oh well something else I just need to deal with!
Then the next morning when Bill called to tell us about the baby I was very happy that he was ok, but made me yearn for a baby even more (I cannot wait one more year and we will start trying) plus I felt for Kenny when I told him “You are a big brother now” and he said “Only up there down here I am still the baby”. I just do not want him to have the middle child syndrome, which is even worse since he does not see or talk to his dad much. I do not want him to ever feel “less then”. The Baron and I will do all we can to make him feel special, I just felt bad for him. He is happy about his baby brother but ha a lot of mixed emotions. He told me it is weird to have a brother and not have me as its mother. Some things a 7 year old mind just cannot always wrap around a concept like “Half-Siblings”. Oh and then to hear my step-mom talk about going to see “their” grandbaby yesterday really had me a little wigged out. I think it is weird they are closer to Bill then to me it seems. Oh well something else I just need to deal with!
But yes my clock is tick, tick, ticking!!!
Then I will not use names on here but I have a friend that from the way everything is pointing used one of her customer’s credit cards fraudulently to pay a bill of her own. I am so mixed between anger, as this is so stupid and because I recommended this friend to their employer makes me feel like crap, I know this employer will not look at me different but still I did refer this person. Second I am feeling so terribly bad for them as they never told me just how bad their situation was. There is always another option and I wish I could have helped this person to come up with a different solution, as now they could be really fucked. I know the customer did call the police and after working at American Express I know credit card companies do prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. I am very worried about this friend. I know money troubles, as do most of my friends that read this, but there is always another way. I just wish they could have felt that they could talk to me. I hope I have not failed them as a friend and that is why they felt they could not open up to me.
I love all my friends and will stand behind this one as they face the music. While I do not agree or support the act I love the person and can look beyond that and my own anger. I will try to be the friend they need right now, I am not here to judge. I know some of my friends may laugh as they do not share the same beliefs as me, but for me I will pray for my friend, be a good Christian and not cast judgment, I will be there to love and try to help. I just need to ask God for the strength to help me look past everything and do the right thing. I try to do this in all of my friendships. Whether or not you believe in God and that Jesus died for our sins does not mean that I do not love you all and value your friendship any less. For those non-believers I still pray everyday for you and your families and that God watch over and protect you because that is part of my faith.
I do love you all, I look forward to seeing everyone at Mr. and Mrs. Rheaume’s tomorrow and Mrs. H do not forget weigh and measurements tomorrow see you at 9:30am at Curves!
***Mrs. H real quick this is especially for you. You are the one friend that has never failed me, never been dishonest or try to sugar coat something to make me feel better. You have been the kick in the ass when I needed it, a shoulder to cry on, someone to laugh with and share life’s victories with. Thank you so much for my being my best friend all these years. I may not have always been as good a friend as I should have been to you, but you have always been there and I thank you for that and I love you!!!***
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 11:47 AM 6 comments
Monday, August 14, 2006
Kenny's First Day of School!!!
Well after the little fiasco of them also withdrawing Kenny, not just William from school he was all good to go! Here is some pictures of my handsome little 3rd grade man!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 11:13 AM 4 comments
Friday, August 11, 2006
Wow a major anniversary for me
Hey fellow bloggers,
Some of you may have recieced the email that had this but I wanted to make sure it was archived on my blog for me!
Well 4 years ago tomorrow was my weight loss surgery. I was 335 a week before surgery, last week at my Dr's office I was 158. That is a 177 pounds lost! This is a post I put on a national support group website I belong to and on my Dr's message board.
If you are reading this blog it means somewhere along the line in these past 4 years you were there for me,(as only my favorite people even have this blog site) whether it was before surgery or a few years after, you were there and I feel you are all true blessings from God. Thank you for all you have done for me. Your love, support and friendship means more to me then you will ever know!
4 years ago today, I was drinking chicken broth and apple juice as I had down the Go-Lytely the night before per Dr Simpson's orders. The next morning I knew was going to be the first day of the BEST of my life. That is what I kept saying as I looked at my wonderful son's. Hard to believe William had just turned 5 and Kenny was almost 4. I was going to miss William's first day of Kindergarten, that killed me inside but I knew if I did not do this I would very likely miss his graduation from high school, his getting married and all the wonderful things the Lord had planned for him, as well as his brother.
So there I was, 335 pounds at my last check a week before, married to a nice man but I was not in love, I was depressed, felt miserable and the only good thing I had going for me were those two wonderful boys. I was doing this for them as much as them. "This" was my Duodenal Switch.
Fast-forward 4 years later. Here I am a mom still to those two little boys, who lost 172 pounds and are now happy and healthy! My kids tell me they have the most fun and beautiful mom of all their classmates. I finally had found the strength to leave a marriage that was not fair to either of us. I am now engaged to the love of my life, and hey my ex found the love of his life and they are going to have a baby any day! I am HAPPY!!!! Now every day is not some amazing day, but you know what? Everyday I wake up and it does not hurt to stand up due to the weight my feet have to carry all day, I have a slew of clothes to choose from that I actually like the way I look in them, I have energy to get up before the alarm and make breakfast for my house. There has been a lot of change, my oldest now lives with his dad, but being healthy in my mind, not just my body I recognize that his dad and him are close and because he chooses to live there does not mean he loves me any less. I have changed my thinking, people are not out to get the fat girl, and they are there to support me in my decisions. My friends are amazing, my fiancé Todd is a dream come true, he knows all about my weight issues I had, the years of bulimia, the WLS and he supports me and says, "That has made you who you are today".
I am truly blessed to have been a member of this site, the support I received before and after surgery were amazing and I hope my story can assist others. Please feel free to read my whole story on my profile and also check out my personal web page www.geocities.com/stephileeaz.
A few quick tips for you:
1. Take measurements before surgery...oh man they help during times the scale does not move cause those inches are coming off!
2. Do what your Dr advises, people on here will share their ideas of what you need to do but in the long run Dr knows best!
3. Re-train your brain! There is no thing as a bad food, bad choices maybe but do not look to food as an enemy. Food was made to be good nourishing the body, take care of that body with healthy choices and you will do well.
4. As Dr Simpson says Protein, Water, Walk and Walk some more!
5. EXERCISE!!!! It feels so good, start off in little increments if you must but MOVE! It is amazing what it does not just for the body but your soul.
6. Be good and honest to yourself, love yourself!
Thanks for letting me ramble!
Love and Hugs!
Love Stephi
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 2:28 PM 2 comments
Thursday, August 03, 2006
happy days and bitchy redheads
Hey everyone,
Well let’s see last night the Baron and I went to our pre-marital counseling at the church. We were going to see how we did on the 178 questionnaire we had done back in June. We were told by the deacon that we are so compatible that it is boring LOL We had 5 questions we either did not agree on or we answered the same but was not what the “stock” answer for the test was considered as correct. It was fun we laughed a lot then the deacon gave us a booklet to go through together and basically with this book we create our whole wedding ceremony, the readings, the prayers, the vows etc. Cool stuff man!
So right now I am ready to beat down a specific redhead. I cannot believe that anyone would say that Ry is undisciplined and basically a child nobody wants to be around! COME ON! I love that kid, she listens incredibly well, has manners, has a full routine at home. I just do not get it. I guess some people try to find faults in others so they do not have to look at their own issues! That is my take on it because I know this persons child, and while he can be a great kid if he chooses usually he is fighting, whining or doing something not appropriate. I know this is hard I have gone through it with Will, but the difference is I accepted that my child had issues, I spoke with his teachers about it, worked a plan, had him in counseling to work on his issues etc. Is he perfect? Heck no neither of my boys are, but by accepting Will’s problem and working on it we are all better off for it.
Ok that is my lil bitch session on that. UNCLE TODD AND AUNT STEPHI LOVE THE RYSTER AND YES SHE IS FRIGGIN PERFECT!!!! She is after all a princess like her mum and me J
Love you all!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 3:41 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Quiz Stolen from Brig's Blog
You scored as Captain Jack Sparrow. Roguish,quick-witted, and incredibly lucky, Jack Sparrow is a pirate who sometimes ends up being a hero, against his better judgement. Captain Jack looks out for #1, but he can be counted on (usually) to do the right thing. He has an incredibly persuasive tongue, a mind that borders on genius or insanity, and an incredible talent for getting into trouble and getting out of it. Maybe its brains, maybe its genius, or maybe its just plain luck. Or maybe a mixture of all three.
Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0 created with QuizFarm.com |
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 3:23 PM 0 comments
Look what I got!
one of the wonderful people we insure at my office had these delivered to me today. She just wanted to thank me for always helping them with anything they have questions on and being so nice to her! Wasn't that sweet! And yes believe it or not I am sweet and nice when I want to be!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 12:46 PM 3 comments
Friday, July 28, 2006
My new rings!!!!
Ok seems Todd has been using the 50 bucks a week I thought he was using for lunch or whatever to use towards the down payment for my bridal set. It is white gold with 1 and 1/2 ct diamond with 1/2 carat additional on each band. Here are some pics. He took me to a nice dinner to give it to me and even got down on one knee when we got home and proposed again! LOL He is the best!
I am going to work out today after work and tomorrow with Kris. I have to go to my surgeons office today at 11:30 to see about getting my hernia repaired. I will let you all know what happens!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 9:41 AM 3 comments
Thursday, July 27, 2006
LOL A revisit to my blog one year ago
Hee Hee this is what I said on my blog exactly one year ago today...
"i think i am just going to give up on dating. If the right guy comes along and just sweeps me off my feet that will be cool, but I am done looking!!!
Wow how a year changes things!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 9:43 AM 3 comments
Friday, July 21, 2006
Long time no post
Hey everyone. I have not posted in awhile so I thought I would do a quick one. First off, Phillip I will get your money to Kris to give you. thanks again for your help sweetie! I went ahead yesterday and did my weigh in and measurements at Curves, I should have waited until Saturday I was super bloated yesterday but figured I would go ahead and do it. Actually not as great as I wanted as I was also down and out for a week and did not get to work out, but started back again on Monday. Anyways I lost 2.5 pounds, and according to their body fat tool that they use 2 of those 2.5 pounds was pure body fat lost! I lost a quarter inch in my waist, half an inch on my upper thigh and a half inch on my upper arm (WooHooo as I have a strapless wedding gown) I did not gain or lose in my tummy or hips, but I GAINED A QUARTER INCH IN MY BUST!!! YES!!! So I lost where I wanted and gained where I wanted! I really like working out there, first time EVER that I look forward to going and working out.I had been down and out due to a cyst in a not so fun area. I am better now and thankful that is over.
We have Will with us until Wednesday, then him and Kenny are going to Show Low with their dad and step-mom. Will is going to be up there for good at that point as he starts school August 9th. Kenny will be there until August 5th, then he will spend a week with Todd's parents in Payson before coming back to start school on the 14th.this weekend we have no plans other then I am going to work out with Mrs H on Saturday morning. That will be a nice change form being so busy!
Hey do any of you have any anti-spy software? Our computer is screwed and we cannot connect to our internet server, there is no virus and I am guessing spyware screwed us up. We also have friggin windows 98 so if anyone has the discs to upgrade our system I would appreciate any help. I miss not being able to get online from at home. We have not been able to check email, go to myspace NOTHING!!
Oh well I better get back to work. I am so friggin tired. The Baron woke up at like 2Am sick with food poisoning or something, I felt so bad for him he was throwing up like there was no tomorrow. I could not get back to sleep so I got out of bed a little before 5am and did 5 flipping loads of laundry! After work I am going to get the boys, go to the store, come home and VEGETATE!!!Love you all!
The Diva Princess
also known as the Baroness
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 10:25 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Happy Birthday!!!!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 8:39 AM 2 comments
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Happy Sunday
I am exhausted but I have my Kenny back :-) let the spoiling begin! Todd and I will end up spoiling him rotten, oh well he is a cool kid. And Todd got a new car! Here it is a 2005 Chrysler Sebring LTD...awww... we are a Chrysler family LOL
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 8:58 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
I am so loving working out there, it is the first time I have stopped looking for anexcuse NOT to go work out! LOL Watch out everyone, Mrs H and I are going to be smoking hot and toned soon enough! Thanks also to our WONDERFUL friend Phillip who has provided me some help to make sure I can join this week. YOU FRIGGIN ROCK! Do you realize you will be the only person in wedding party invited to both the Bachelor and Bachelorette parties? It's cause you are so cool!
Oh well back to work and then working out with Mrs H tonight!
the Diva
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 1:51 PM 6 comments
Friday, June 23, 2006
Hmmm did not expect this
You scored as Katie. You are Katie. Katie has a "do what makes me happy" attitude. Known to mix it up and get in fierce arguments with other girls, most of the time Katie is just trying to have fun and enjoy the moment. Genuine, kind people often attach themselves and become good friends with her. |
Which Fresh Meat Alumni Cast Member are you?
created with QuizFarm.com
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 6:10 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Engagement announcement
We have an engagement announcement online at AZFamily.com here is the link. Oh and yes I know I used a pic where the Baron has a beer LOL
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 2:10 PM 3 comments
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Here is the picture of Will opening the box with my mom in it. It was great!!! By the way the Baron's dad's surgery went well. It was a lot longer then expected, but the old man came up swinging in the recovery room so that is a good sign. He is in ICU and is heavily sedated, I will keep you posted on updates. Thank you everyone for your prayers, good thoughts and love. We both appreciate it!
More pictures of my mom's trip can be found at http://photos.yahoo.com/irish_angel72 the album is named Mom's Visit!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 7:58 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Mommy's Visit!!!!
Well this will probably be long, sorry to bore you if it is. Thursday I went and got my mom from the airport, she looked so great. Any ways I had left the boys here at my office and Doug & Monica watched them until Todd got off of work. I got my mom back to the house and called Todd (poor thing had been doing everything he could to kill time with the boys). I got my mom in the box and then the boys came in thinking this huge box was filled with presents, well when Will opened his “Nana box” he almost fell over! He was so happy, my mom managed to scare the living shit out of Kenny though LOL Well after visiting for a few my mom took us all to dinner at The Claim Jumper YUMMY. Then we went home, chilled out and then went to bed.
Friday (Will’s 9th Birthday) I got Todd off to work then treated my mom to a pedicure at my nail salon that was nice, then we stopped in my office so she could meet Doug and see Monica. Then we took the boys to Water World for the day and had a blast! We rode the slides, played at the wave pool and lounged in the lazy river! Then when we left we went to the store and picked up stuff for white Russians and Will’s birthday cake. Friday was a fun night; we ordered in pizza, did the cake and all had a lot of fun.
Saturday morning we got up early, headed off to Wal Mart and filled a cooler with drinks and snacks and we went tubing down the river. We had so much friggin fun! The boys were awesome, so well behaved it was not even funny! Then that night we went out to karaoke to celebrate Monica’s birthday. I had a sitter and we partied hard core! My mom sang to the ugliest men in the bar and did not remember the car ride home. Todd had to help her walk so that was a good thing LOL I love it when she can let go and have fun.
Sunday we were all feeling like hell! I drove my niece home and then picked everyone up and we went to church, then my mom and Mrs. H and I all went to David’s Bridals and my mom bought me my wedding dress, veil, slip, bra, tiara EVERYTHING! It was so great being spoiled LOL then we went to Sam’s Club and got stuff to BBQ at Mr. and Mrs. H’s house. We all were there and also had a cake for Will. My mom had so much fun and just loved the H family. Thank you so much for showing such a nice time to her and Mr. H great cooking since the Baron was a dork and did not do it! Sunday we got home about 7:30 and we were all whipped!
Monday got Todd off to work, then my mom, the boys and I ended up puttering around, then went to the Olive Garden for lunch, then took the kids shopping. My mom got them each 5 new outfits, shoes, socks and underwear. Then we let Will spend his $100.00 dollars he got in Wal Mart gift certificates for his birthday. Mom bought me two new pairs of shoes J and then we went to Linen’s and Things to get a 100% cotton sheet to wrap my wedding gown up in that is how they told us to store it in the bag. So any ways we find these beer openers where you can record your voice, she did one that when you use it says “TODD! You do not need that beer” LOL she also bought him a 12 pack of Heineken to go with it, she also bought him a shoe rack as he has been dying for one for outside the front door since we take our shoes off before going in the house. She had also bought him on Saturday new river shoes that he must have thanked her for like 100 times. It was a riot when he used the beer opener, he loves it! I cooked us all a nice dinner and we enjoyed a quiet evening together.
So then Tuesday came BUMMER I had to take my mom to the airport, I hated saying goodbye. Then I had to drive the boys to Payson to meet Bill as Kenny is going there for 3 weeks and Will is up there for the summer. I was crying so hard after I dropped them off I went to Todd’s parent’ since they live there and cried on his mom’s shoulder LOL Then I drove back down, worked until 5 then went home. We had to go back to the airport to pick up the Baron’s sister and nephew at like midnight. Then I came home, back to bed and got up for work this morning and here I am,
Todd’s dad is having his surgery at 4:30 today and I will let you all know how it goes. My fingers are crossed and lots of prayers have gone out. I am also getting my pictures developed from my mom’s trip, so I will get a link to those once I down load them.
I love you all and hope everyone is great!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 1:48 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Hi Everyone!
Well let's see what has been going on since I last blogged? Well Friday we drove up to Payson to see Todd's dad and mom. His dad was not feeling to well all weekend, so that sucked. Todd's aunt was there too. He is not to fond of her, but it was a nice visit any ways. We took the boys to the movie theatre up there on Saturday and saw X-Men 3 it was great! I really liked it a lot. Then we left Sunday morning, came back here and cleaned then went to the pool. About 7:00 pm that night our flipping a/c went out. The compressor was shot, they finally got someone out there last night to fix it, but not until like 5:30 or 6:00. The house was not comfrotable again until like midnight last night. So basically we were all exhausted yesterday morning thanks to no sleep due to the heat on Sunday night.
I am getting so excited for my mom's big surprise visit on Thursday. I cannot believe the boys still have no idea that she is coming. I did a good job keeping this secret. We are going to get pedicures on Friday morning, then we are taking the kids to Water World for Will's birthday, Saturday we are going tubing down the river (Everyone is invited if anyone else would like to go with us!) then that night we are going out to karaoke for Monica's birthday (once again everyone is invited) I would highly suggest anyone taking the opportunity to come party with my mom as it is always a blast. Sunday we are going to church and then we are going to buy my wedding gown, want to come Mrs H? We can swing by and get you on the way, the appointment is at 12:30pm. Then Monday mom is taking Will to WalMart with the gift card she got him.
I was going to see what Mr and Mrs H were doing Sunday afternoon to see if you would be up for some BBQ and swimming? I am buying! I also figured since you guys have never met my mom it could be a casual way to hang out and get to know here and you will see she does exist!
Oh I got an IM from the ugly people yesterday, I guess their kids were taken away from them. Their son Matt who is 8 was molested and the guy is behind bars but the state of TX where they live now, is not convinced they can provide a safe enviornment for them. Sad for those kids isn't it?
I am just dreading next Tuesday though, that is the day I have to take mom to the airport and then bring Will to Payson to meet Bill as that is when Will goes to live there :-( Oh well I will enjoy the weekend!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 11:53 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Camping Pictures!!!
They are located in my Yahoo Photo Album:
Album titled: Camping Memorial Day Weekend
Love ya!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 4:29 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Had a great weekend!!!
I had such a nice time this weekend with some of the most wonderful people I have in my life! Friday I got off of work and met the Baron at the house, we waited what seemed like forever for Mr. and Ms. H to show up at the house, but they got there an we were all on our way to Payson. We made a quick pee-pee pit stop in Fountain Hills and then we all met up at the Wal-Mart in Payson to do some food shopping and grab a few odds and ends. The little Ryster hung out with Aunt Stephi in the store, we had so much fun that little girl makes me so happy every time I am around her! We then left there and took off to find our site to camp; it was about 30 miles more up the beeline. It was almost 11:00 PM when we finally started pitching tents. It was a riot when we woke up the next day and realized we were in like the only area around us that was completely burned out area around. So the Ryster had a great time in a big pile of ashes J As soon as I get pictures developed you all will see the dirtiest little faces around!
Saturday morning the Baron and I and the boys went to see the Baron’s parents who live in Payson, get their truck and haul out one of the quads. The quad was a blast to have out there, we rode off and on all day each taking turns taking the kids out for rides, then The Baron, Mr. H and I took my boys, Taylor and his friend Jake to go target shooting. Jake almost blew off Mr.’s foot but other then that no trouble LOL Kenny was like a little freak cracking up while shooting, he loved it. Will was dedicated and calculated as always, the Baron just loves to unload all his rounds so I had to remind him he was not in the Marine Corps anymore and did not need to empty a cartridge LOL I got to shoot the .22, 2- different .45 and a shot gun! I had never shot a shotgun and it was AWESOME!!! That night we froze our butts off since there were no campfires allowed due to fire restrictions.
Sunday we got up packed up, rode the quad again, went shooting again, this time Ryster and Mrs. H came along and they got to play too! LOL Ryster was all about shooting. After that the Baron and our kids went back to his parents to drop off the quad. We borrowed his dad’s truck so we can haul his futon back up to him next weekend. Will rode with the Baron, Kenny with me J . We got home showered and chilled out for awhile, then went to Mr. and Mrs. H’s house to BBQ and hang out. It was fun.
Yesterday I got up made breakfast for all my men, cleaned my car, the Baron cleaned the truck. Then we went back to the H’s house to swim, BBQ and watch a move. I did some laundry there THANK YOU AGAIN MRS H!!!! for letting me do that. Movieman came by and helped us with some things we had to do and then we went home. Had a nice night. The kids were in great moods, we let them sleep in the living room, watched a great movie with the baron…can’t remember the name…Ed Norton as a skinhead…. Really good, graphic but good.
Today it is back to work. The kids are spending the night at their grandmother’s so I get some alone time with the Baron!!! Woo Hoo we have not had a night alone in a long time, so that should be nice. I love you all and hope everyone is great!!!!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 1:06 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Totally Screwed!
Hey Monica's husband was supposed to watch the kids Friday for me, since they are out of school. Well she just told me this morning they are going to leave Thursday night for Yuma, they have a graduation to go to. So she took Friday off and of course that means Pablo will be with her in Yuma and cannot watch the kids. I have tried everyone I know and I am just basically screwed! Does anyone on here know anyone that may be able to help watch them?
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 9:52 AM 2 comments
Hey Mrs H we need to make our plans. Seems the Baron and Mr H have no idea what is going on LOL So email me so we can make our plans.
Love ya!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 7:32 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Such a Proud Mommy!
Well I am so proud of Will. I just got a call from his teacher, she was asking me if he was definately not coming back next year. I told her I was not sure 100% but that is what it looks like right now. She said that she was sending home a letter to provide to his new school if he does not come back that he was being recommended for the Sage Gifetd Program at his school and she hopes that his new school has a gifted program for him. She told me he is way above even the 4th grade level that he would be in next year in both Reading and Math. I was so proud when she was talking about him.
So I am a proud mommy!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 10:29 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Long Post Coming
Ok a little late but here is a weekend update, hang on for a white trash Jerry Springer ride LOL:
Friday – Ok Friday night was awesome! My friend Jeny that I have not seen in 13 years (we have been friends 21) came down from Flagstaff with her son and spent the night. She was flying to Florida Saturday morning, so it worked out great to see her. We had a blast talking about the stupid things we used to do and just catching up. It dawned on me she is my longest friend and the only one of my current friends that knew me when I was a virgin LOL amazing huh?
Saturday- Well Saturday started off good enough, I took Jeny and her son to the airport, got McDonald’s for breakfast for the Baron, the kids and I and we went shopping for some pictures for the walls and just looking around. We then went to the pool for 3 hours and came home to chill out and watch the movies we rented (Ok Hostel being one of them WHAT A SCREWED UP MOVIE) ok so there I am hanging out smoking a cigarette outside and talking with my mom, this is when Jerry Springer comes in. I heard my neighbor Jay (we will refer to him as just J and his wife will be MS for Mississippi which is where they are from) getting in a yelling match with my huge black neighbor from across the way T is what I will call him. T is a very nice guy and I had never heqrd him raise his voice, well he was laying into J like there was no tomorrow, telling him he gives black men a bad name, he was disowning him from the race, that he needs to get a job and an education, that the next time a monsoon blows in and they float away he will have no pity on them etc (J and MS are Katrina victims that have used it as an excuse to suck the housing and welfare systems dry) anyway this was because T went over to confront J about J jumping down the throat of the old lady next door seems MS and old lady have had some issues that also include a neighbor I call Crack Head (she is a good friend of MS and J) So basically old lady felt threatened and went to talk to T, he is a DOC officer, and T went over to say be a real man dude don’t scare old ladies. Well J hit T (who is HUGE he also just 2 years ago was ranked number 7 in the world for Greco Roman wrestling, so ok he can whoop as too) All T did was take him down in a way cool wrestling move, I cannot believe he did not pound his face in, then J kept going, hit T again, threw his own kids bike against a fence, breaking it whatever, well here come the cops. Well while the cops are there MS gets into how T and his family are all wrong, the lady next door is the problem blah blah blah. Well over the course of 2 days MS and her big mouth causing crap (oh yeah she started in on T’s sister who lives 2 doors down calling her a nigger and then telling the cops she never said that MY ASS I HEARD ALL) the cops were at the apartment complex no less then 7 times. I am so sick of MS and her bull crap. She stood out there Sunday saying she knows from a little birdie that Todd and I snort dope! OMG you have got to be kidding me, the little birdie is her own screwed up mind. She is mentally unstable and because of that we have tried to just stay out of it, cops asked us what we knew, we said nothing, office asked me to do a written statement, I told them no way I am not going to put myself in the line of fire of people who threaten to kill people and are not all there. There is so much more but I cannot put it all here, put it this way we have a great story for y’all when we get together again!
Sunday- Was ok, not amazing but ok. We were planning on going to the pool, well the pool was closed until 4 cause they had to shock it the night before. So we hung out, listened to some fighting downstairs (which really put me in a pissed off mood, I do not need that crap on the weekend) So we go to the pool at 4, Bill was in town and was supposed to pick up the boys around 5 to spend the night with him and Jenn at Jenn’s mom’s house. Well I get a call at 4:15 change of plans their level 2 ultra sound was rescheduled for early AM and there is no way they could get the kids to school on time, so they are just going to go to dinner and then bring them back. Oh well whatever would have been nice to know PRIOR to 45 minutes before you are supposed to get them, as I spent time getting their school stuff ready etc. They were going to go to Bill Johnson’s with Hope so that was going to be good that they could actually see their grandma. But it was just the point of it all. Oh friggin well oh ya more fighting that night from downstairs.
Monday – We all got notices on our door about the fighting, that if we ever feel threatened or hear fighting to call the police with the non emergency number and that anyone that has a police report filed for threatening or fighting will receive and immediate eviction. So there was cops out again last night, so we shall see what happens.
Sorry this was so darn long but had to vent and update! LOL Let’s hope the crap ends soon!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 3:43 PM 3 comments
Friday, May 12, 2006
Happy as can be!
Hey everyone. I am so in love with my new car! It is awesome! I will take a picture and post it, will probably be with a camera phone until I get near a digital. Todd gave me my mother’s day present early, a new MP3 player. What is cool is for 1. I have never received a mother’s day present before, so this is special. 2. My new car has the plug in so I can listen to it on my car’s stereo system J I have a wonderful man I am telling ya!
Anyways I am so excited tonight my old friend Jeny that lives in Flagstaff is coming with her 3-year-old son Cody. They are flying to West Palm Beach tomorrow, so I will take them to the airport after they spend the night tonight. I have not seen Jeny in 13 years and we have known each other since I was 12. Ok people Jeny knew me when I was a virgin LOL how long ago that was huh? So that will be fun. We will be going to IKEA tomorrow to get some stuff for the kids’ room and then go to the pool tomorrow and Sunday. I am looking forward to a nice Mother’s Day and I hope all the other mothers on here are too.
Mrs. H call me when you get back so I can bring Peetie (that is her name like PT) by and so I can say hi to your mom! I hope you had a wonderful time in Sedona.
All my love!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 9:56 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
New car tomorrow
WOO HOO!!!! I am picking up my 2006 PT Cruiser at 4:30 tomorrow afternoon. I am so excited!Ok also quick updates on the weekend:Friday- Met with Angie and her fiance Ron. The Baron and I met them at the Motel 6 in Tempe and we went to some bars that were in walking distance and got smashed, we had a fabulous time! It was great to see her.Saturday- Went to another fun BBQ at Mr and Mrs H's house. Thanks again I had a lot of fun and I am so glad we all hang out so much more now. I had really missed my friends before I met Todd. Now I have a great guy who actually claims my friends as his and it makes things so much more enjoyable.Sunday- Hung out at the pool, Mr Rheaume came over and him and the Baron hung out at the pool an hour longer then I did. Made dinner and just had a nice day.Things are great I am a happy camper and love you all!!!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 4:25 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 05, 2006
Had a Great Time!
It was very nice having the Movieman over. I learned more then I needed to about Tijauana or however you spell it. The Baron had a great time too! Thanks for coming over you are welcome at any time!
Tonight we are getting a hotel room in Tempe, my friend Angie and her finace are coming into town from Minnesota. They are leaving in the morning for Tucson, but tonight I get to party with a fellow Parrot Head (Jimmy Buffett fan for those who have missed that bus) So I am totally excited. Monica and Pablo are taking the kids for the night, so we are looking forward to an adult evening out!
Love you all!!!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 8:21 AM 5 comments
Thursday, May 04, 2006
A Funny From My Kenny
Here is a conversation this morning:
Kenny: " Mom is it true that God took a rib from man to make a woman?"
Me: "Yes Kenny"
Kenny: "Well can I have it back"
Me: "No Kenny"
Kenny: (Sucks in tummy real hard and sticks out ribs as far as they go) "Well can you at least show me where it would go?"
out of the mouths of babes!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 3:16 PM 3 comments
This just in, from Mrs Rhino herself. Since they are having a boy they will try again for a girl!!!! OMG OMG OMG
Kenny was so mad he refused to talk to any of them last night. He wanted a baby sister so bad. Once I explained it would be so cool to be a big brother to a baby brother up there and be the baby boy down here he was a lot better. Now he is happy and excited but said he still only wants to live with me and the Baron LOL
Oh well that is all from here. Movieman coming over tonight. Mrs H, what are you guys up to Saturday? Wanna BBQ and swim?
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 2:51 PM 3 comments
Monday, May 01, 2006
I Trust My Honey!
And because I do I am publicly putting it out there, that if next year for his bachelor party the guys want to take him to Las Vegas, then by all means I will not say he cannot go! I know that Rob loves his Mei, Mr H loves Mrs H, Doug at my work loves his wife and well Phillip loves me, Kris and Mei and will keep an eye on things lol, but most of all I know the Baron loves his Baroness and would never do anything to screw up what we have, just as I would never do anything either.
I love you baby and I want you to know I trust you with all my heart.
Now girls we need to start thinking of what we are going to do!!!! :-)
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 2:22 PM 4 comments
Just Catching Up!
Hey guys. Well we had a nice weekend in Payson. Todd’s dad is horribly thin and tired but looked a lot better then the last time we were there. He had color in his face and was a smart ass, all good to see! Now that it is May I was thinking Memorial Day is coming up and since we all have a 3 day weekend we should all go camping or something. Let me know what you think. If we went up north somewhere not far from Payson, Todd and I could get his dad’s truck and trailer and bring the quads out. Let me know I think it would be fun.
What is everyone doing this weekend? If everyone does not have plans maybe we can BBQ and swim or I can cook up some yummy food including the damn okra everyone has been bitching about LOL I would love to get us all together again, I have so much fun with my friends J
Speaking of plans I rescheduled the happy hour party I won at Fox and Hound for Sunday May 21st from 3pm – 5pm. I do need to know how many people we will have so let me know if ya can make it or not. Mrs H if you want you can invite Kristy also, and her man if she is still seeing him.
I love you all!!!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 10:45 AM 3 comments
Friday, April 28, 2006
Wow blown off, cooked for nothing, kicked to the curb!By a geek, I have never had that happen before! I could understand if I had turned down geeks all my life, it woiuld have been payback. But I went with the biggest geek in my class to homecoming freshman year just so he could have a date, I went with my geek friend Joe to his prom cause his girlfriend dumped him 2 weeks before the prom AND I am going to be marrying one of the biggest geeks I know, my Baron!So what did I do to deserve this treatment? Crap maybe if I had slept with a few of those geeks other then the Baron this would not have happened!
Ok seriously, Movieman overslept cause he had beers with his dad! I am just kidding I am totally fine with it and so understand. The Baron and I have both worked graveyard shifts before and know how it goes. I will not be mad or offended unless he blows me off again! My neighbors from Oklahoma loved the fried okra by the way, sorry you missed it. Oh and the Baron, you landlord and Mr H will be enjoying chicken fried steak, fried potatoes and onions/ w country gravy and cake for lunch today. So you can ask them how it was lol
I still love you Phillip seriously you are still my good graces. Let me know what night you want to shoot for next week and we can work it out. I am thinking next week will be spaghetti, meatballs, garlic bread and salad though. That was way too much grease for me LOL I am so glad I clean as I cook, I could not imagine the disaster that would have been left.
We are headed up to Payson after work tonight so I will catch up with all of you Sunday or Monday. Have a great weekend!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 9:26 AM 4 comments
First Off Gas Prices Suck
I decided to be nice and go fill Todd's car this morning and wash it for him before he went to work. It cost $45.00 for gas and $5.00 for the car wash, cause $50.00 is the max debit approval at the gas pump. Guess what? $45.00 DID NOT FILL THE TANK!!!! IT WAS AT 3/8THS OF A TANK!!!!
Friggin Sucks!!!!!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 8:39 AM 2 comments
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Movieman Coming To Dinner
I am so excited to have the movieman himself over for dinner tonight. He has never been over and I am looking forward to him and the Baron getting to know each other better. I take for granted that everyone just knows movieman cause I feel like I have known him forever LOL. I asked him the other day what his favorite food is, he told me his grandma used to make fried potatoes and onions w/ white gravy and fried okra (YUCK) well I decided since I love him to death I would make him all of that and we are also going to have chicken fried steak and greenbeans. I even got a Sara Lee cake for dessert. So I hope he likes it all :-)
Oh and low and behold I did get some money from the Rhinos, they still owe me 76.00 from before and 76.00 for this week, but the effort makes it better. They caught up quite a bit.
We are heading to Payson for the weekend after work tomorrow. I hope everyone has a great weekend and I love you all!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 10:37 AM 2 comments
Monday, April 24, 2006
The Wedding Party is Complete!!!!
Yes that is correct, the last person we had been waiting to ask I said forget it, I am just calling. That would be the Movieman himself. We had been planning on asking him for quite sometime now, as Mrs. H knows since March 24th, but WE NEVER SEE HIM!!!! That has quite a bit to do with our schedules though, but we invited him to dinner Thursday night and hopefully he will be able to make it this time.
Ok so anyway we had a busy weekend. I was off work Friday but spent the whole day teaching Kenny’s second grade class. It was Junior Achievement Spirit Day, so rather then teaching one lesson a week for 5 weeks, I did all of the lessons in one day. It was a lot of fun but I was WORN OUT by the time I was done.
Then on Saturday we got up and spent then entire day working on Mr. and Mrs. H’s garage. I made out like a bandit when it came to clothes, thanks again Mrs. H and you can have them back do not forget that! We worked for a little over 9 hours and there is still a ton to be done!
Sunday we got up, went to church, then back over to Mr. And Mrs. H’s house The Baron had fun vacuuming lol they moved the TV stand under their new kick ass TV and then we bbq’d. We went home and I vegetated! Anyway it was a nice weekend spent with friends!
Love you all!!!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 11:53 AM 2 comments
Thursday, April 20, 2006
No I am not woo hoo'ing because I got money from the rhinos PAHLEASE I have not even heard from them LOL No I am happy because last night we had Mr Rheaume over for dinner and the Baron asked him to be in our wedding party and he said yes. So Mrs Rheaume that means you get to see your man all dressed up in a tux, too!
I have the most wonderful friends! I love you all so much!!!!
The Diva Princess
soon to be Mrs. Baron or I guess you could call me the Baroness LOL
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 9:41 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
So the saga continues
Well let's see I never heard from the rhinos at all. Then this morning when the boys called to wish him a happy birthday Kenny got done and said let me go get mom (I was in the bathroom) and Mr rhino said I do not need to talk to her I worked late and need to go to sleep and that was it! WHAT A JERK!!!!
So in turn I sent this email to Mrs Rhino:
am starting to feel like I am getting blown off. If you guys cannot get me anything please just tell me and let me know when you can. I did not hear from anyone yesterday and Bill told the boys this morning he did not need to talk to me that he had to go back to sleep. I hate getting ticked off about this but I am starting too. I am only getting upset because I cannot Bill to answer my calls and talk to me, I understand money is tight there but it is here too. We are still battling back from Todd not working for two months and I have the added expense of the boys food, school field trips, special things they are doing at school which is like 3 bucks here and 5 bucks there. I had thought Bill was going to help with the after care so I did not budget that in and I have not paid my electric because I had to rob from there to pay the school and now have to debate what will be the next bill to push off as I have to have them in after care. I will not leave them alone that long after school and I cannot miss time from work to get home at 4 to be with them. I would just really appreciate one of you letting me know what is going on and not avoid me.
Well NOTHING from her so I followed up with an email to him:
Are you just avoiding me over the child care money? I am really feeling that way. Neither of you have responded to emails and I have tried to call you and you have not called me back. If you do not have the money right now just let me know, do not avoid me. I just want you to remember that I am the one paying for the roof over their heads, the food in their bellies and anything else they need right now and just need some help paying for the child care. I gave you no hard time taking them this past weekend even though we had plans to go to Payson for easter and Roger's birthday. Todd's parents were so bummed out but I figured you had not seen them in awhile so I gave you no trouble about it. I feel like I am footing the bill, with no help and then i miss out on the fun things like Easter morning and their excitement over the Easter bunny coming. I am really not happy with the fact that I m getting blown off.
I will continue to pay peter to pay paul(the child care) because I have to, but by now with both of working haven't you caught yourself up enough to be able to help me with the boys? I keep hearing from you guys how you have to get this and that for the new baby, well please remember the mother of your other two needs some help with them.
All I need to know is when I can expect some help, just keep the dialogue open, do not shut me out.
I am really getting pissed. Geesh if you do not have the money JUST TELL ME!!!! They are such asses.
I will continue to fill you in on the Saga of the Diva's Missing Money......
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 10:07 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Alas still nothing got done....
Cleaning out Mr and Mrs H's garage again I mean. The Baron and I went over after work to help them do it, but those 45-50 MPH winds kind of screwed that idea up LOL I had so much fun playing with Rylee and watching Barney with her. Barney is on tour right now and when he comes here the Baron and I are taking her :-) Anyways I was totally pissed at my ex the rhino. I did not have the number to where he was staying at down here so there was no way for me to contact the kids, well his ass never had them call even though I had asked him to have them call. I was already pissed because he had not seen them in like 2 & 1/2 months, calls them maybe 2 times a week, oh actually they call him most of the time and all of a sudden because he could get the weekend off he sweeps into town and takes them for Easter weekend. I will not let this happen again. For those who remember her had them Christmas morning and was supposed to be over with them between 8am and 9am well since the kids had not been "behaving" they took their time letting them do their stockings there and I did not get my kids until 11:30am. They are not going to believe in things like the Easter Bunny and Santa much longer and I am missing out on it. I do not think I would care as much if he at least did what he was supposed to do, like pay for their after care. Out of the $220.00 I have put out for it I have seen $50.00 of it paid back. They were supposed to get me some this weekend, but "had to do taxes and see how much they owe" once they know that they will "know" if they can give me anything. URRGGGHHHH I ask for no help for food, rent, clothes, school trips etc just pay the friggin $76.00 a week for after care that is it!
Ok anyways rhino brought the boys by Saturday morning since they forgot their PS2 cord. I said I was hoping to hear from them last night, "Oh I am sorry it was getting late blah blah blah" I said well please have them call tonight, I miss them when they are gone. Well I did not hear from them until 7:30am on Sunday morning!!!! Well at least now I had the number they were at. I called at 11 to see what time to expect them and Mrs Rhino jumped down my throat "Probably after 3 we do not eat until 1" in a very nasty tone, well kiss my butt!!
Saturday was a nice day with the Baron, we went shopping, had a margarita and appetizer at Chili's, rented some movies to watch that night and went to the pool. It was really nice.
Ok so I sent Mrs rhino an email this morning (as she handles all finances) to see about when I can expect money...no repsonse yet. I will let you know when I know!
Thanks for the Steak and Beers on Friday Mr and Mrs H and I am so excited to be getting a couch and entertainment center from you :-)I will pay you on Thursday! I love you guys!!!!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 8:39 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 10, 2006
Weekend Update
Hey everyone,
Well my weekend started out by going to sleep late Friday and getting up wicked early on Saturday (like 5am) I went and picked up my friend Monica, then we came back to my place to pick up Todd and the kids and we all went to McDowell Mountain ranch for a yard sale. We did manage to pick up a working DVD player for $10.00 so that was cool. Then Monica and I went to the grocery store while Todd and the boys got their hair cut. Went home, at some home made subs and watched Jarhead. Good movie, maybe I enjoyed it more since Todd was in the Marine Corps during that time and was over in Desert Shield/Desert Storm, so he could relate and told stories it was cool. Then we dropped Kenny off for a birthday party and went to Mrs H's house. Todd watched the Ryster and Will so Monica, Kris and I could go try on wedding dresses. I fell in love with my first choice dress so that is exciting and cool. I will not post the pictures here just in case Todd ever gets on this blog again, but if you want to see it lt me know I can email it to ya.So anyways while we were gone Ryle played the flirt role with Todd, she is too funny. After we did the dresses Mrs H, Monica and I went out for a drink, then dropped Monica off and went back to Mrs H's house. We hung out and BBQ'd there (thanks for the yummy food). We went home about 9:30 and I was so exhausted it was not even funny!
Sunday we got up and I went on a "date" with Will, I took him bowling and Kenny hungout with Todd. They went shopping and had a great time together. Then yesterday afternoon we spent a couple of hours laying out at the pool. It was nice.
Today (Monday) I was so excited to find out Mr H and Mr Rheaume were offered jobs with Todd. That is way cool and I am very happy for them!
Love you all have a great day!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 1:11 PM 5 comments
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Monday, April 03, 2006
Hello All My Friends
Hey everyone, hope you are all doing well. I am ok, my tummy is still a little funky but better. I wish I had been able to make it over to Rob’s last night but I felt AWFUL. I even took a 3-hour nap, way out of my norm. Things are otherwise great. I had such a nice time at Mr. and Mrs. H’s house Saturday night. Nothing like getting picked on by friends that you love lol. I am really looking forward to trying on wedding dresses Saturday J that should be fun! Mrs. H let me know when you want to start cleaning out the garage this weekend so Todd and I can help you get it all done.
Todd’s dad lost 9 pounds last week, so that sucks. He seems to be sleeping better though so that is a good thing. Not a whole heck of a lot else going on. Getting my nails done Thursday after work and getting my eyebrows waxed, they may need to use a weed eater!
Hey Mei if you see this before you leave have a safe trip back. If you do not see this until you get home hope your trip was great. I really enjoyed meeting you, I think you are a wonderful person and you and Rob are the cutest couple. I am very happy for you.
Phillip I love and miss ya! Hope to see you soon. Brig give kisses to all those cute baby girls! Love ya all!!!
oh when I get my pictures developed this week I will post all the one's we took the night after the wedding!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 12:59 PM 8 comments
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Just have to scream it
I AM SO FRIKKING IN LOVE WITH TODD IT IS NOT EVEN FUNNY!!!!! Ok I now return you to this regularly boring blog lol!!!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 3:30 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Stupid tests
Your 2005 Song Is |
![]() Don't Cha by the Pussycat Dolls "Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me Dont cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me" What happens in 2005, stays in 2005! |
Your Love Element Is Earth |
![]() In love, you have consistency and integrity. For you, love is all about staying grounded and centered. You attract others with your zest for life and experiences. Your flirting style is defined by setting the scene, creating a unique moment in time. Steady progress and stability are the cornerstones of your love life. You may take things too slowly, but you never put your heart at risk. You connect best with: Fire Avoid: Wood You and another Earth element: need each other too much to build a good foundation |
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 3:10 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 24, 2006
I just wanted to wish the very best to Rob and Mei as they get married tonight! I am very happy for both of you!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 10:03 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Save the date!
It is official Todd and I are engaged. We are getting married on September 1, 2007. Check out our wedding website www.huntandboynton.weddings.com
Love you all! Mrs H is my MATRON of honor :-)
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 8:35 AM 7 comments
Monday, March 20, 2006
SO sad and mad at the same time....
I just got a call from my friend Andrea at American Express and found out a guy I had been very close friends with when I worked there killed himself over the weekend. He actually did it in the parking lot at work. His wife called to see if he was working OT, as he had not come home, after a while they sent security to look for his car and a security guard found him. He had shot himself. We had been on the same team together for 2 years; he was one of my biggest cheerleaders when I was going for my team leader position. Russ was a very depressed guy, he weighed over 400 pounds, had wanted surgery like I had and I tried so hard to help him get approval for it, but he was in such bad health from diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea etc that it was hard for him to get. His depression got worse after his wife lost her job with their second baby on the way, money was terrible and then his dad died. I guess he just never recovered.
Suicide is the most selfish thing in the world someone can do. No matter how much I hated my abusive molesting stepfather I hated seeing what it did to my mom and his family when he killed himself. Russ has two little boys under the age of 9 that will never get to have their dad around for graduation, weddings, for that man to man talk and that just pisses me off he could do that to them.
Life is to friggin short with the life-line the fates have for us, why make it shorter by stopping it yourself. Today I was stressing about some of my issues with bills. Forget it that is not going to be a problem today, I am just going to focus on what I have positive in my life, my children, Todd, my family (both by blood and my chosen family whom are my friends) and surround myself in their love and hope all of them know how much I love and care for them. What is weird is along those lines before I heard what happened I had told Todd via text that "life to short to ponder what the head thinks, that I will go with my heart as that is what truly matters" talk about a big fat slap in the face wake up call.
To my old friend Russ, may your pain be gone. I will miss knowing you are no longer there to pass along a funny email to. I wish I could have been there more for you. What you did was selfish and horrible to do, but that does not stop the fact that you were loved and cared for. Maybe your friends like myself should have told you that more, maybe that would have made a difference. Well I have learned a lesson, no matter how boring, repetitive, annoying etc listening to a friend complains, bitch, whine, moan, etc I will be there and listen. I will also make sure all my friends know how much I love them.
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 12:54 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
More stupid tests
Your Birthdate: December 27 |
![]() You are a spiritual soul - a person who tries to find meaning in everything. You spend a good amount of time meditating, trying to figure out life. Helping others is also important to you. You enjoy social activities with that goal. You are very generous and giving. Yet you expect very little in return. Your strength: Getting along with anyone and everyone Your weakness: Needing a good amount of downtime to recharge Your power color: Cobalt blue Your power symbol: Dove Your power month: September |
You Are Not Scary |
![]() Everyone loves you. Isn't that sweet? |
Your Hidden Talent |
![]() Your natural talent is interpersonal relations and dealing with people. You communicate well and are able to bring disparate groups together. Your calming presence helps everything go more smoothly. People crave your praise and complements. |
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 1:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Stupid Test
You Are 68% Evil |
![]() You are very evil. And you're too evil to care. Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot. |
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 9:42 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
No baby
Hey quick update I did get my period on Sunday so no baby. I think in the future we both would like one, but that will not be for awhile. I figure if I have another on I want to do it by the time I am 35, well I am only 33 so I have two years to do it! LOL
Love you all great party Saturday Mrs H!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 7:06 AM 3 comments
Thursday, March 02, 2006
So Much Going On
Well yesterday Todd’s dad went to get the feeding tube put in and they were going to put a pic line into his neck to administer chemo. Well the tumor has gotten bigger, about the size of a golf ball so they were not able to put the line into his throat that had to go in through his stomach also and up into his throat that way. What should have been an hour and half procedure turned into a 5 hour operation. He is not doing well at all. For some STUPID reason they are not starting his chemo until the 7th. He will go in for 2 ½ hours one day a week, have a machine at home he needs to hook up to 4 hours a day and do radiation treatment 5 days a week. We are starting to fear the worst as this tumor is growing at an unbelievable rate.
Your prayers and thoughts are very much appreciated. I love this man so much, he has been so wonderful to me and my children since Todd and I started dating and I hate seeing him in so much pain and feeling so sick. He looked very ashy and grey over the weekend.
So what else is going on? Hmmm let me see…I have not had a period since January 30th, I am testing negative so it may just be stress. If I some how am pregnant (yes we have been using condoms) I would only be about 3 weeks, as we know when we did and did not have sex in February. I am thinking it is just stress and will not take a test again until sometime next week if I have not started.
My mom is coming for a visit! WOO HOO!!! She is flying out June 8th to surprise Will for his birthday on June 9th. I am going to need to get a hold of a refrigerator box, see my mom every year on the boys’ birthday sends them a “Nana Box” full of gifts. This year I want to cut the back of the refrigerator box out so my mom can stand in it and I can tell Will to come outside and see how big his Nana box is this year. Then have him open the back and there will be Nana! We have not seen her since July 2004, so I am so friggin excited. We will do a birthday party for Will on Saturday the 10th. So keep that date marked, yes Mrs H you will get to meet my mom this time, plus she really wants to see Rylee “The baby that came when I was there”.
Oh well there is my update and will post more when I know more. I love you all!!!
Posted by LoveTheDivaPrincess at 7:46 AM 3 comments